Lei Feng


Lei Feng (冯磊)

Visiting Professor (full-time & fixed-term faculty member)
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Scholar Profile: Google Scholar Profile
E-mail: lei.feng@ntu.edu.sg, lfengqaq@gmail.com (for review invitation)

Brief Biography

I am currently a Visiting Professor (full-time & fixed-term faculty member) at School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. I am also affiliated with RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Japan, as a Visiting Scientist (part-time). I was a Professor at College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, China. My main research interests lie in machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence, with a particular emphasis on weakly supervised machine learning and trustworthy machine learning. My long-term goal is to build effective, reliable, and explainable machine learning systems, which can learn from various types of complex data with limited supervision information.

Top News

  • [Mar 2024] Invited to serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS'24.

  • [Dec 2023] Invited to serve as an SPC member for IJCAI'24.

See more news here.

Research Interests

My general research interests lie in machine learning and data science, with a particular emphasis on the following topics: Recently, I am interested in foundation models with various fine-tuning strategies and would like to investigate the above research topics with foundation models.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Aug 2017 - Dec 2020)

  • Submitted thesis in Aug 2020, left NTU in Dec 2020, defended thesis in Jan 2021, received degree in Feb 2021.
    NTU SCSE Outstanding PhD Thesis Award Runner-Up (in the situation of early graduation). Supervised by Prof. Bo An.

  • B.E. in Computer Science. Southwest University, Chongqing, China (Sep 2013 - Jul 2017)

  • Outstanding Graduate of Southwest University.

Honors & Awards

  • [2022] Champion in the Learning and Mining with Noisy Labels Challenge at IJCAI-ECAI 2022.

  • [2022] Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia.

  • [2022] ICLR 2022 Outstanding Paper Award Honorable Mention.

  • [2021] Forbes 30 Under 30 China.

  • [2021] NTU SCSE Outstanding PhD Thesis Award Runner-up (in the situation of early graduation).